Crystal Elixirs with Deneen Tomayko ~ Saturday 1/25, 1 - 4pm

Cancelled - Unfortunately, we've had to cancel this workshop - we will offer it again this Spring! Send an email to [email protected] if you'd like to be on the wait-list for the next one!
We are thrilled to offer a second round of this exciting and empowering workshop!
Discover Vibrational Healing with Taos expert Deneen Tomayko, MS, PA-C
Learn to craft crystal elixirs and create personalized remedies for both common concerns and unique aspirations. In this workshop you will learn the basics of vibrational healing with crystals, how to structure water so that it can receive and hold the healing resonance of the crystal, how to prepare and administer a crystal elixir; and you will leave with one of your own!
Deneen will walk participants through the science, craft, and art of creating crystal healing formulas and as a bonus you will receive Deneen's ebook, Gem Elixir: The Intriguing Intersection of Structured Water, Crystal Properites & Vibrational Medicine
All are welcome!
$125/includes all materials!
Saturday, January 25th, 1 - 4pm
Register by January 22
Class Limit: 10
Deneen's early calling to heal led her into the field of medicine. She has a wide and varied background in traditional western medicine, having worked and excelled in Orthopedic Surgery, Women’s Medicine, Reconstructive Surgery, Family Medicine and Urgent Care, and most recently in Functional Medicine. ~ The 2020 global pandemic was a turning point and prompted Deneen to seek a more holistic approach to health and healing. ~ A friend's reminder about her early experiments with crystal elixirs reignited her long-standing interest in vibrational healing:
"I had always created 'energy medicines' using crystals, both for myself and friends, and they were effective. Inspired by this, I began to craft medicines with a commitment to healing without harm, merging my lifelong knowledge of crystals and minerals with my scientific background. I now create personalized medical elixirs and others that address common issues, staying true to my oath and providing vibrational healing medicine." - Deneen Tomayko
Learn more about Deneen's work here!